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Library Fines & Charges

Library Fines & Charges

Library Payments

Library Payments


Library Fines (LIBFINES)

Use LIBFINES option to pay your outstanding Library fines.  For information on the exact amount due and to request renewal of your loans please contact us.

You can also log into your Library account to check the amount due using the link below:



Lost Library Books (LOSTBOOKS)

Use LOSTBOOKS option to pay for lost Library books.  For information on the exact amount due please see the replacement cost on the overdue letter we have sent you or contact us.


Library Equipment Loan Fines (EQUIPFINES)

Use EQUIPFINES option to pay your outstanding Equipment loan fines.  For information on the exact amount due please contact us.


Contact details:

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01206 712642

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Inter Library Loan

Inter Library Loan Requests

Amount (£)


Please pay here for your interlibrary loan requests.

Please enter the amount to pay, as detailed in your order confirmation email.

Once you have proceeded to checkout you will be asked to enter the ‘Request reference number’ as detailed in your order confirmation email.

When payment has been received we will process your request.
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