Department paymentsArt MaterialsDescriptionTo purchase materials in the Wood/Metals/Plastics, Ceramics and/or Print workshop areas you will need to purchase a monetary value using the online store below. This will need to be exchanged for a voucher card which is redeemable in the workshop areas. You can buy £10 or £20 or a combination of those values. This product is for the following course groups: HE PT Level 0 – ZE2BAADP10/20 BA Fine Art – ZH1BAFAF01/2/3, ZH1BAFAP01/2/3/4/5/6 BA Fashion and Textiles – ZH1BAFTF01/2/3, ZH1BAFTP01/2/3/4/5/6 BA Graphic Design – ZH1BAGDF01/2/3, ZH1BAGDP01/2/3/4/5/6 3D Design and Craft – ZH1BATDF01/2/3, ZH1BATDP01/2/3/4/5/6 BA/FdA Photography – ZH1BAPHF01/2/3, ZH1BAFPHP01/2/3/4/5/6, ZH1FDPHF01/2, ZH1FDPHP01/2/3/4 FE ZH17531, ZH13781, ZH13761, ZH13981, ZH19851
Hair up TrainingDescriptionHair up session by Lisa Curtis, a boho bridal specialist. Session will include both demonstration and hands on hair up. For: L2 & L3 Hairdressing Date: Friday 14th March |